AKSARAY Barosu avukatlarından Av.EMİNE ÇOLAK telefon bilgilerini ve Av.EMİNE ÇOLAK adres bilgilerini sayfamız aracılığı ile sorgulayarak iletişim bilgilerini anında öğrenebilirsiniz. Avukat EMİNE ÇOLAK‘in sicil numarası “301“ olup sorgulamalarınızı bu sicil bilgisini kullanarak da rahatlıkla yapabilirsiniz.
Avukat EMİNE ÇOLAK adres bilgileri, Avukat EMİNE ÇOLAK telefon bilgileri ve Avukat EMİNE ÇOLAK iletişim bilgilerini sorgulamak için lütfen bağlantıyı tıklayınız.
Ayrıntılı Adres ve Telefon bilgisi sorgulamaya işleminde izlenmesi gereken adımlar aşağıda belirtilmiştir.
Linki takip ettiğinizde karşınıza gelecek menüde bulunan, yukarıda verilen ekran görüntüsü örneğindeki gibi avukat ismi yazan bölüme avukatın ismini, avukat soyismi yazan bölüme avukatın soyismini yazarak veya direk olarak avukat baro sicili bölümüne sayfamızda belirtilen avukat sicil bilgisini yazarak avukat butonuna tıkladığınızda Av.EMİNE ÇOLAK‘in telefon ve adres bilgilerine ulaşabilirsiniz.
Not: Yapılan sorgulamaların tamamı Türkiye Barolar Birliği’nin resmi internet sitesi üzerinden yapılmaktadır.
Your Excellency, Lawyer and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Ms. Emine Çolak
Dear Ms. Çolak
My name is Jan Syvertsen. I am 51 years old and I live in Kristiansand, a city on the south coast of Norway. I work as a salesman in an Industry Tool store. I am also an ornithologist and I have been studying birds for 22 years.
I am also a very serious collector of signatures, and that has been my very passionate and exciting hobby for almost 35 years.
I have always been very interested in foreign politics, and that is why my collection only holds authentic original handwritten signatures of current and former State Leaders like, Royal Family Members, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers of Foreign Affairs. and a few other important dignitaries. After all these years I have collected almost 2800 signatures, thanks to many kindly and generously world leaders in 187 countries so far.
I am also a proud member and Chairman of WLAS (World Leader Autograph Society) This is a society that fight against any misuse of signatures. We are very much against it.We also work for friendship among nations, and to have a honest and fair attitude. Please, visit our website through the link and you will find my personal profile and some pictures from my collection under the members area.
So far I have collected 4 signatures from Northern Cyprus.
I would be very honored to add your signature also to my collection. Please, I do not collect preprints or autopen, but only authentic signatures.
I hope it is possible for me to ask for an original handsigned signature on a photo or a card from you, sent to my home adress in Norway. I have written to you many times, both letters and e-mails, but I have not been lucky so far
I would be very happy and grateful to increase my signature collection of important Dignitaries from Northern Cyprus.
It would be a great honour to me and a wonderful gift for my collection. Each signature that I receives means very much to me.
My very best wishes to you and to your Family.
My adress is:
Mr. Jan Syvertsen
P.O Box 5560 Voiebyen
4677 Kristiansand
Telephone: 0047 41622748.