İstanbul Barosu Avukatı Av.FATMAGÜL KARAPIÇAK CENGİZ İletişim Bilgileri

İstanbul Barosu avukatlarından Av.FATMAGÜL KARAPIÇAK CENGİZ telefon bilgilerini ve Av.FATMAGÜL KARAPIÇAK CENGİZ adres bilgilerini sayfamız aracılığı ile sorgulayarak iletişim bilgilerini anında öğrenebilirsiniz. Avukat FATMAGÜL KARAPIÇAK CENGİZ‘in sicil numarası “28033“ olup sorgulamalarınızı bu sicil bilgisini kullanarak da rahatlıkla yapabilirsiniz.

Avukat FATMAGÜL KARAPIÇAK CENGİZ adres bilgileri, Avukat FATMAGÜL KARAPIÇAK CENGİZ telefon bilgileri ve Avukat FATMAGÜL KARAPIÇAK CENGİZ iletişim bilgilerini sorgulamak için lütfen bağlantıyı tıklayınız.

Barolar Birliği sitesi üzerinden sorgulamanın ne şekilde yapılması gerektiği hususu detaylı olarak yazımızın alt bölümünde belirtilmiş olup, sorgulamanızı buna göre yapabilirsiniz.

Ayrıntılı Adres ve Telefon bilgisi sorgulamaya işleminde izlenmesi gereken adımlar aşağıda belirtilmiştir.

Linki takip ettiğinizde karşınıza gelecek menüde bulunan, yukarıda verilen ekran görüntüsü örneğindeki gibi avukat ismi yazan bölüme avukatın ismini, avukat soyismi yazan bölüme avukatın soyismini yazarak veya direk olarak avukat baro sicili bölümüne sayfamızda belirtilen avukat sicil bilgisini yazarak avukat butonuna tıkladığınızda Av.FATMAGÜL KARAPIÇAK CENGİZ‘in telefon ve adres bilgilerine ulaşabilirsiniz.

Not: Yapılan sorgulamaların tamamı Türkiye Barolar Birliği’nin resmi internet sitesi üzerinden yapılmaktadır.

2 thoughts to “İstanbul Barosu Avukatı Av.FATMAGÜL KARAPIÇAK CENGİZ İletişim Bilgileri”

  1. Sevgili Hanimefendi Fatmagül Karapicak Cengiz

    I’m from Denmark and through my work as a social worker at a Red Cross asylum center,
    I know of a Turkish woman whose story touched me deeply. After living in a violent marriage in Denmark the woman applied for asylum but her application was turned down and she´s now waiting for extradition to Turkey. A Danish lawyer has offered his help to appeal her case, and therefore we need some information which we hope you, as an expert lawyer in cases regarding violence against women would be so kind to help us with.

    I will briefly tell Özlem´s story: Özlem is a Kurd and she has been married twice. She entered her first marriage when she was 14 years old – her husband was 40 years old. Because of a violent husband Özlem´s father felt obliged to take her back to her family and Özlem divorced her husband. Against her family´s wish Özlem, now 25 years old, marries a distant cousin who lives in Denmark and is a Danish citizen but of Turkish descent. In this marriage Özlem also experience violence. After 4 years living in a marriage of violence Özlem leaves her husband and asks for divorce. Her husband threatens her on her life saying that if Özlem moves back to Turkey, he will pay someone to find her and have her killed. Özlem´s father have also told her that he will kill her if she ever returns back to Turkey. 

    From various reports and articles on the Internet we´ve read about Law 6284 and that it was designed to offer better protection for women against violence from their family members, and to secure women better legal rights. Unfortunately the police and the legal system does not do enough for putting this law into reality, according to these reports. 

    Question: Is it, in your experience, correct that the police and the courts fails to put this law into reality?

    Question: Do you know of any cases similar to Özlem´s, and if so what were the outcome in these cases? And do you think the Turkish authorities will offer Özlem sufficient protection after hearing her story (divorced twice)?  

    Unfortunately, this is a urgent matter so both Özlem and I would be very grateful if you have the time to help us with this request.

    Yours sincerely,

    Brian Holmer and Özlem K

    1. Our site is the personal website of lawyers. Please contact the lawyers themselves using the contact details.Thanks…

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